Say hello to the newest family member
Some of you may have noticed a bit of a hiatus in my posts on My Hidden Gems in the last year. The good news is… it’s nothing to worry about. The search for My Hidden Gems is continuing, there’s just been a bit of a break as… I’ve had a baby. My gorgeous little man (if I say so myself) is called Ellis. Now he’s nearly a year old I’m hoping when I get the odd minute to spare I’ll be able to post on my blog a bit more.

While it’s true that obviously now I’ve got a little boy the kind of things I’m interested in might be a bit more family orientated. After all my blog is about discovering MY hidden gems. With a baby in tow some of the places I visit, things I do, and products I’m getting to grips with, will naturally reflect this. But just because I’m now a mum doesn’t mean my tastes have changed.

You might have noticed that I’ve also now introduced a family/ baby section highlighting my hidden gems that are family-friendly, as well as ones that are more for grown-ups. I’m hoping it will include some product reviews but again these will only feature if I genuinely think the product is cool, or a hidden gem, or something I feel would be a help to mums, and not because someone has just offered it to me in return for a review.

Whether it’s travel, eating out or discovering hidden gems across the globe there’s often no reason why Ellis can’t embark on the journey too. I’m hoping my love of hidden gems will rub off on him! And rest assured I’ve no intention of laying bare every detail about Ellis as he grows up on My Hidden Gems. I’m sure he’ll be embarrassed enough by me as he grows up as it is without giving him any additional ammo.